Fight To Love

This is much healthier for your relationship than fighting to win. When couples fight to win, each partner wants satisfaction of being right. But here is the tea:  no matter how you feel, you are always right in feeling that way. There is no wrong or right emotion. Once couples do away with the idea that their feelings aren’t valid unless they win, they can discuss the issue at hand. Don’t waste time placing blame or trying to figure out whose feelings are valid. 

Fights are a healthy part of any relationship, whether you disagree about spending habits or how often you have sex, it’s important to be able to see your partner’s point of view, as well as express your particular needs.

Arguments can often benefit from some space and rest. Sometimes a good night’s sleep can give both of you the patience to better communicate about an issue rather than staying up for hours hashing it out. Even if it means taking 10 minutes to leave the room and cool down. Time apart gives you time to reflect and re-evaluate the situation. Forcing a resolution or continuing an argument until tempers are out of control is never a good idea. AND TAKING YOUR ARGUMENT INTO THE BEDROOM IS NOT SMART EITHER! Your bedroom should be a place of sanctuary, passion, and romance for both of you. Save your arguments for elsewhere, and keep the oiled wrestling and play fighting for the bedroom. Until next time……….

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